Subject: New Computerised Transit System Phase 5 (NCTS-P5)
Who should read: All those involved in submitting Transit Declarations
Related Notification(s): N/A
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Issue Date: 20 September 2022
As part of the Union Customs Code (UCC) Work Programme, Revenue will be deploying the next phase of our transit system – New Computerised Transit System Phase 5 (NCTS-P5) to replace the current NCTS-P4 system. The go live date for NCTS-P5 is August 2023.
The deployment of NCTS-P5 will impact on all stakeholders in the transit supply chain. This is because NCTS-P5 involves the introduction of a new dataset, will include new electronic messages and allows for the exchange of messages electronically between different declaration systems – NCTS and our export declaration system Automated Export System (AES).
NCTS-P5 will fully align our electronic transit system with the legal requirements legislated for in the Union Customs Code.
Public Interface Testing (PIT) for NCTS-P5 will be open to software developers and businesses by March 2023 and we will notify you of its availability closer to the time. The deployment of NCTS-P5 means that all stakeholders engaged in electronic messaging for transits must have the capacity to interact with Revenue’s NCTS-P5 from August 2023. Revenue will close NCTS-P4 for all new transit movements in October 2023.
Further Information
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