26th May, 2023
All export declarations are due to move from our Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) by 30 November 2023. CDS is a secure modern platform which is already used to process over 98% of all import declarations with over 40 million successful declarations submitted through CDS so far.
Exporters who only use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) through a non-inventory linked location should be aware of the next steps for moving export declarations to CDS.
From May 2023
HMRC will contact declarants who submit the highest number of export declarations where only GVMS is used, and only where they are confident they can start submitting export declarations through CDS. HMRC have identified these through the existing support they provide to their largest declarants with their move across from CHIEF. This also gives HMRC the opportunity to make improvements to the service. HMRC are also working with software developers to help them move export declarants where only GVMS is used across to CDS once their software is ready.
What if you are not contacted by HMRC or your software developer?
If you are not contacted by HMRC or your software developer before September 2023 do not try to move your export declarations to CDS.
This is because CDS does not currently support all export routes, and all the different types of export declarations submitted through GVMS locations. Any goods that are re-routed away from a GVMS location will also continue to need a declaration to be submitted through CHIEF until September 2023.
July 2023
HMRC will contact all export declarants to make sure they’re ready to make declarations through CDS from September 2023 by setting out the actions they need to take and signposting to new guidance.
From September 2023
All routes will be supported by CDS and all export declarants can submit their declarations. This includes:
HMRC will contact all export declarants to let each group know about any actions they need to take by signposting to the relevant guidance.
After 30 November 2023
All export declarations are due to be made through CDS using software or the new HMRC export declaration online service that will replace the NESweb service used by some small to medium-sized businesses to submit declarations on CHIEF.
Further support
If your business is only involved in submitting export declarations and has not already done so you should take the following initial steps to prepare for making export declarations through CDS:
Taking these actions early will make sure you’re in the best place to move across to CDS for exports.
If you have any questions, please contact HRMC using one of these channels, or speak to your Account Manager or Customer Compliance Manager if you have one.
This is a no obligation initial step to review your Customs-IT membership.