16th December, 2021
Number: Ref: 60/2021 Subject: Payment of Import Duties and Insufficient Funds Who should read: All those involved in import declarations Related Notification: None Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk Issue Date: 16 December 2021 Paying Customs Duties Customs Duties may be payable when you import goods into Ireland from outside of the European Union. Therefore, if you are importing goods you, in your own right, must have a Revenue Customs Account (known as a TAN account) or have access to an account. The Customs Duties are payable before the goods can be released by customs. Therefore, if you operate on the Just in Time model and wish to ensure the most efficient movement of your goods, you must ensure that there are sufficient monies in your account to cover the duties payable. Details on how you can check the balance of your account is available here and details on how you can top up your account is available here. How AIS Works
Further Information on the payment of Import Duties is available here. |
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