28th October, 2021
Notification Ref: 53/2021
Subject: AIS Update - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Who should read: All those involved in lodging electronic customs declarations
Related Notification(s): eCustoms Helpdesk Notification Ref 33/2020
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Issue Date: 28 October 2021
1. Import requirement for VIN (Vehicle Identification Number):
As advised in eCustoms Helpdesk Notification Ref 33/2020, import declarations for motor vehicles must include the VIN for the vehicle due to changes introduced to our customs import system for Brexit. There is a change in information to declare with code 1D97 where the item(s) being imported does not have a VIN.
(a) One item import declaration
If it is a one item declaration you declare 1D97 followed by NOVIN033 in DE 2/03 Goods Shipment Item level.
(b) Multi-item import declaration - use of 1D97 more than once
If it is multi-item import declaration where you will be declaring 1D97 more than once, you declare 1D97 followed by NOVIN033 in DE 2/03 Goods Shipment Item level for Item 1. For subsequent items you will add ITEM and the item number to NOVIN033.
For example, a three-item import declaration where the goods being imported do not have a VIN:
Item 1 - 1D97 followed by NOVIN033
Item 2 - 1D97 followed by NOVIN033ITEM2
Item 3 - 1D97 followed by NOVIN033ITEM3
This is a no obligation initial step to review your Customs-IT membership.