21st September, 2021
Notification Ref: 49/2021
Subject: AIS Functionality Update
Who should read: All those involved in Import Declarations and the verification of
software packages with UCC Software.
Related Notification(s): eCustoms Helpdesk Notification Ref 046/2021
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Issue Date: 21 September 2021
As previously advised, there is an AIS release scheduled for this evening Tuesday 21 September, between 8.00pm and 9.30pm approximately. Please see below further information re same.
1. Business Rules
New (4) as previously notified on 31st August 2021 via eCustoms Helpdesk Notification Ref: 46/2021
Business Rules and Conditions changed
Business Rule Number Updates:
Business Rules and Conditions removed:
These changes will be reflected in Version 1.09 of the Trader Specifications
2. Enhancements and Bug Fixes - 21 September 2021
Please note that the following enhancements and bug fixes will be deployed in the release today into AIS:
(i) Error codes on IM483 Documents Received
The system will no longer accept an empty documents field which will resolve errors being received when submitting documents and traders will no longer receive AIS HTTP 500 error message.
(ii) Issues with the following C0632, BR8061, BR8085 and BR8069, BR8610 firing incorrectly.
All these rules have been fixed and now trigger correctly
(iii) Rule description for N102, N105 and N106
These rejection messages now display in their entirety outlining the missing certificates in the error code.
(iv) IM099 - Message Errors
The IM099 will now fire correctly in the following situations:
(v) Issues with MRN at 'Under Payment' or 'Insufficient Funds'
This issue has been resolved and declarations should not get stuck on this status.
(vi) Unknown Error Message - IM416
The issue has been resolved. The movement will no longer be rejected with an empty IM416
(vii) Issue with Quota deposit not being refunded
The quota deposit is now being refunded on critical quota
(viii) Number of packages
This is now mandatory on H7
(ix) Duplicate messages
These will no longer be produced by the AIS system
Further Information
If you need further information, please contact either of the following:
Change Management Unit - email: ucc-cmu@revenue.ie
IT/Technical - email: UCCITDev@revenue.ie
This is a no obligation initial step to review your Customs-IT membership.