6th February, 2023
Number: Ref: 04/2023
Subject: 24 Hour Service - eCustoms Helpdesk
Who should read: All those involved in the submission of import or export declarations
Related Notification: N/A
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Issue Date: 03 February 2023
1. New Out of Hours Service:
With effect from Friday 10 February 2023, the eCustoms Helpdesk will provide a 24-hour service. The contact details remain unchanged and are listed below.
2. Requesting Fallback:
In instances where fallback is required, please send an email to eCustoms Helpdesk, providing the following information:
– Transaction ID - A Transaction ID is 36 characters in length made up of numbers, letters (always in lower case) and dashes (-)
– Reason why you are requesting Fallback.
In cases of urgent fallback requests outside of office hours, the Helpdesk can be contacted at 086 6002423
3. Further Fallback information:
Under Article 6(1) of the Union Customs Code, all exchanges of information between
Customs authorities and economic operators shall be made using electronic data processing
techniques. Exception is provided for in Article 6(3)(b) whereby in the event of a systems
failure of the computerised system of the customs authorities or of the economic
operator’s, information, may be provided in a non-electronic format. The term used to
describe this process is Fallback.
This is a no obligation initial step to review your Customs-IT membership.