6th February, 2023
Number: Ref: 03/2023
Subject: Import of non-commercial consignments of goods for research and diagnostic purposes that are subject to veterinary controls.
Who should read: All licenced importers/declarants importing non-commercial consignments of goods for research and diagnostic purposes that are subject to veterinary controls.
Related Notification: N/A
Issued by: eCustoms Helpdesk
Issue Date: 02 February 2023
Under Articles 3 and 4 of EU Commission Delegated Regulation 2019/2122 importers/declarants that import small consignments of animals or animal product for research and diagnostic purposes may be exempted from official controls at Border Control Posts (BCP) provided that the end user of the product holds a valid VET 15 import licence issued by the Department of Agriculture Food and Marine (DAFM).
The correct procedure for declaring such consignments on an AIS import declaration is to declare in Data Element 2/03 Document Type, ‘Document Code C084’ followed by the VET 15 licence number.
Previously, and subject to the approval from a BCP, certain declarants and importers were declaring
products using Document Code N853 in data element 2/3 followed by a CVED number issued by the
eCustoms Helpdesk. With effect from Monday 13th February 2023 the eCustoms Helpdesk will stop
issuing the CVED number and your declaration will be rejected if you declare Document Code N853.
The procedure outlined in the preceding paragraph should be adopted by all licence holders.
Importers/Declarants who do not hold a valid VET 15 import licence issued by DAFM should not be
claiming this exemption. From Monday 13th February, where a declarant incorrectly declares the
exemption, the import declaration will be automatically flagged for a documentary check.
This is a no obligation initial step to review your Customs-IT membership.