Phase 1 of the SW/CERTEX project was released on 19th October. This phase introduced a business rule that prevents a declarant declaring CHED or COI certs at goods shipment header level in D/E 2/3 in AIS. The certificates must be declared at goods shipment item level, eCustoms Helpdesk Notification Ref: 39/2022 refers.
Phase 2 relates to the introduction of further validation checks including Quantity Management on data declared on CHEDs/COIs and import declarations. Phase 2 is scheduled to go live on 11 January 2023.
The following data on the customs import declaration will need to match the details declared on the corresponding CHED or COI:
• Certificate reference number
• CN code (up to the first 8 digits)
• Net mass or Supplementary Units (match or not exceed)
Current analysis on import declarations submitted indicate a significant level of data mismatches between quantities declared on import declarations and quantities declared on the relevant CHED or COI. Quantity mismatches may cause significant delays in the release of goods from customs control.
Revenue, DAFM, and the HSE, have been working collaboratively to implement the required changes. In order to assist businesses, prepare for these changes we will host an online information seminar to elaborate further on the changes and to highlight the common mistakes that declarants are making. An email notification with the link to the seminar will issue very shortly.
More detailed information on SW/CERTEX is available on the Revenue website at Customs SW/CERTEX.
Further information
If you need further information, please contact any of the following: